Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Trench warfare in 40 steps

People come up to me all the time and be all like "Are you... a wizard?! How do you make such awesome drawings in MS Paint?!".

No, actually they don't.
I just wanted to show off how I made Trench warfare in this short animated gif.

Trench warfare in 40 steps

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  1. how do you make these awesome stick wars!? i would like to know just to try and do something of my own. love your paintings and and the details you put in them. keep them coming!

    1. :D
      Just time and MS Paint!
      I'll try to make a short tutorial if I can find the time. It has been on my to do list for some time...

  2. im glad i found this. I used to do this type of stuff on paper when I was in middle school back in '97 except in mine the stick figures were wrestling. Keep up the awesome artwork!

    1. Ah, didn't we all! :) Never saw drawings of sticks wrestling before though. I'd like to see what that looks like!
      I'm looking forward to drawing again soon, kinda busy doing other stuff lately.
      Glad you like my stuff Raul!

  3. make more please, you haven't made any for 3 years

  4. make more please, you haven't made any for 3 years
